Soupis novinek a oprav pro DIALux evo 5

dialux evo5a

  • Zobrazení a nastavení hodnot v rastru ve 3D pohledu
  • Přiřazení barev k hodnotám v rastru
  • Zvýraznění minima a maxima
  • Kombinace nepravých barev, izočár a hodnot na povrchu
  • Zobrazení těchto kombinací ve výstupech
  • Spojení mezi nepravými barvami a izočáry bylo zrušeno
  • Izočáry mohou nyní být nastaveny pro každou část zvlášť
  • Přidám seznam výsledků do expertního módu
  • Zobrazení čísla typu svítidla
  • Grafická úprava zobrazení výsledků



  • Spojení stavu výpočtu se zobrazením výsledků
  • Od nové verze byl přidán status výpočtu, který byl v předchozích verzích schován

Vylepšení DWG exportu

  • Na jednu světlenou scénu může být generován oddělený DWG plán
  • Špatně ukazující počet trojúhelníků ve 2D DWG byl opraven
  • Svítidla a nábytek je exportován jako blok do Auto CADu
  • Byla přidána a vylepšena legenda
  • A spoustu dalších menších vylepšení exportu a opravení spousty chyb

Seznam opravených chyb v angličtině:


  • Fixed a bug of the translucent contours of lower floors in the plan view
  • Fixing of some errors related to incorrect lighting data
  • Fixed a bug related to missing material data
  • Resolving a display error in the UGR diagram
  • Fixed some bugs related to the geometry creation.
  • Fixed some errors related to the creation of windows.
  • Fixed some errors in generating and changing of calculation surfaces.
  • Fixed a bug when changing maintenance factors.
  • Fixed a bug when moving windows.
  • Fixed a bug when changing room main surfaces
  • Resolve some problems with the undo/redo function
  • Optimizing the display of long texts in the user interface.
  • Resolve some problems in generating the output tree when loading older projects.
  • Fixed a bug when changing dimension objects.
  • Fixed some bugs in the user interface when changing the tool and mode.
  • Improve the image quality of the raytracer, reducing the moire effect.
  • Optimization of the output tree in relating to speed and selection of displayed pages.
  • Optimization of discarding of calculation results in geometry changes.
  • Fixed a bug when using your own logos in the outputs.
  • When generating the output pages no more blank pages now be generated.
  • Fixed a bug with the help reference grid. The help reference grid no longer returns to the default value 1m.
  • Fixed a bug when working with templates in the editions.
  • Optimization of the manipulators in the side view and the multiple use of materials.
  • Fixed a bug after deleting floor contours.
  • Fixed a bug when using descriptive text in the outputs.
  • Fixed some errors when working with floor elements.
  • Optimization of the manipulator for cutouts.
  • Optimization of graphic card tests during setup.
  • Fixed a bug when creating cutout objects.
  • Optimized the manipulators for large DWG files.
  • Optimized the view objects for the outputs.
  • Optimized the zoom function.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in very dark scenes.
  • Deleting projects templates is possible again.
  • Fixed a bug related to materials on windows.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented to mark the templates as favorites.
  • Immediate display of new templates in the selection.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented copying of storeys.
  • Fixed a bug which hides out contours after loading.
  • Optimized the functions for generating and moving roof panels.
  • Fixed a bug when displaying page settings in the outputs.
  • Optimized the DWG export.
  • Fixed a bug which resulted in a false position of calculation objects.
  • Optimization of memory usage when loading projects with huge 3DS objects.
  • Display the correct preview when loading LDT and IES files.
  • Fixed a bug when deleting cutout objects.
  • Resolving a display error of projects with daylight calculation.
  • Fixed a bug when insert combined objects.
  • Resolving a representation error after importing DIALux 4 projects (32bit)
  • When drawing areas of activity the function can now be completed by using the context menu.
  • Resolving a rounding error in the road calculation.
  • Fixed a bug when changing tools in the context of road planning.
  • Fixed a bug when combining sphere objects.
  • Fixed a bug in the object preview.
  • Fixed a bug in the function “Replace material”
  • Fixed a bug when loading projects per drag &drop directly from the Windows Explorer
  • Fixed a bug when saving converted projects.
  • Optimization of the selection of buildings.
  • Fixed a bug when starting DIALux evo.
  • Optimization of the selection behavior in the street tool.
  • Optimization of the mouse in certain dialogues.
  • Fixed a bug when loading broken materials.
  • Fixed a bug related to the selected outputs.
  • Fixed a bug in the alignment of luminaires.
  • Fixed a bug when changingtime zones for daylight calculation.
  • Optimized the display of luminaire models for the calculation.
  • Fixed a bug when displaying textures in the raytracing image.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to lack of calculation results on the working plane.